1st Symposium on Weak Molecular Interactions - March 5-6, 2013 - Pécs, Hungary
Saturday, 27 July 2024
Abstract Submission


Two-pages abstracts, prepared according to the instructions given below, should be submitted in MSWord .doc through the secure on-line registration system. The file size may not exceed 2 MB.

You need to register for the conference before submitting your abstract.

  • Please, do not submit multiple copies of the same Abstract.
  • Format the text according to the abstract template.
  • Abstracts sent by post or fax will not be accepted.
  • The content of the Abstract is solely the responsibility of the author(s).


doc Abstract Preparation Instructions

Abstracts will be published in an Abstract Book which will be distributed in hard copy.

Please note, that the members of conference committees have already selected speakers for plenary lectures. Participants have possibility to present their research results as posters or oral communications. The oral communications will be selected by the Scientific Committee on the basis of the abstracts submitted.

Oral communications
The length of plenary lectures is 45 min. The presentation time for each contributed oral communication is 20 min including discussion.
Beamer and slide projector are supplied. If you need any other audiovisual equipment, please let us know in time.

Poster communications
Poster dimensions could be 160 cm in height and 90 cm in width, or in A0 format. The poster should include a title, as well as the name and affiliation of the authors. Please, use lettering which is legible from 2 m distance.

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31 January, 2013.